Thursday, April 8, 2010

Should you get an iPad for video games?

The iPad has been unleashed on America this past weekend and with it came a slew of apps, including video games. In my opinion the iPad is a little silly but will it be worth it to get for the games? Well let's take a look!

Good stuff:

Civilization: Revolution

This game was excellent on the Xbox360 and from the looks of things it would be even better on the iPad because of the touch screen and the nice high res display. This would be a first purchase for me if I had an iPad.

Plants vs. Zombies HD

This is yet another tower defence game but its all cute and fun and cool. Plus it's in HD so thats another plus. This is a great game on the PC (and I hope they bring it to the 360 Arcade soon) so it should be even better again with the touch screen and nice iPad display.

Dungeon Hunter HD

I don't know a heck of a lot about this game but it looks pretty fun. It's an action RPG, which is always worth a play in my book, and the graphics look pretty decent for what it is. I'm curious how the controls would play out but if the game isn't crazy quick I'm sure it'll be fun. I just picture a Diablo clone where instead of clicking the mouse i'm tapping on the screen, sounds good to me!

The not so good:


This just seems stupid to me. Why do I want to play this on a little iPad screen instead of on a big board? If you're playing with people you need to put it on a table anyway so why not just bring out the board game? In any case this will be a top seller on the iTunes top 5 list for like 100 weeks.

Pac Man

Who cares? This is a game that everyone will buy because its sooooo cool to be retro and they will play it less than three times. Boooring. Also the controls look frustrating.

Overall I would say that the iPad is not worth it if you're looking for a new gaming platform. That being said the iPad has a LOT of potential, much more than the iPhone, because of its size and processing power. Right now most of the games are just remakes for the iPad but in a few months when then original games start cropping up it may be a legitimate gaming platform.

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