Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Top 10 games to look forward to this year (part one)

There are a crap load of games coming out this year but a lot of them look like they are going to suck. This will be a two parter showing off what I think will be the 10 best games coming out in 2010. Here are the first five

10. Dante's Inferno (360, PS3)

Yes, this is the video game for the poem by Dante. And yes it is as ridiculous as you can imagine. The story is "loosely" based on the poem in the sense that you go to hell (that's their clever marketing slogan by the way) and you save Beatrice and I'm assuming kill Satan. I also hate the design of the main character. That being said I tried the demo and the game is actually pretty fun. Its mostly a God of War clone but there is nothing wrong with that when it's one of the most fun game franchises ever made. I don't think it'll be the biggest of best game of 2010 but it will definitely be something to look out for.

9. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

The first Super Mario Galaxy was awesome. This one will be awesome as well, possibly even more awesome. Mario is great and everyone loves him and I am calling this as the best Wii game of 2010.

8. Red Dead: Redemption (360, PS3)

There are not enough Wild West games in existence and I really don't know why. The setting is perfect for an open world game and I'm glad it's finally being done. I have a feeling this game will be very hit or miss but I'm putting it on the list simply because the premise is so excellent. Don't let me down!

7. StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty (PC)

I thought this would rank higher on my top 10 list but I'm honestly not super excited about it despite it potentially being the best selling game of 2010. I enjoyed the first one 10 years ago but SC2 still doesn't look like it is enough of an improvement over the original. I still want to play it though and once I get into it I'm sure it will be impressive.

6. Alan Wake (360, PC)

Alan Wake looks like it will be one of the oddest games to come out in 2010. The premise is that Alan is some writer that finds his latest horror book is coming to life all around him. Theres shadowy beings that can possess objects, atmospheric settings and neat light and gun gameplay. This game has been in development for ages so it will be nice to finally get to play it this year and see if the wait was worth it.

I'll post up the next five tomorrow...or the day after. I'll also include my prediction for 2010 Game of the Year!